NEW! 1 package 1 price (power incl.) $250 mo./$100 set up fee |
| All custom programs include full scale benefits, including power file/meter analysis and additional savings on future camps, as well as quarterly development meetings if needed (we often communicate WEEKLY OR DAILY so this may or may not be needed).
Individualized annual training program Detailed periodization plan Athlete feedback based review and adjustment of program Initial phone consultation Training Peaks or FastTrak software/online training log Session analysis from heart rate and/or GPS Unlimited email contact* Unlimited phone contact* Evaluation of athlete history and race goal development Discounts on training camps Power file analysis Race taper, race day nutrition plan Post race recovery plan Quarterly (1 hr) 1 on 1 with Coach KK (pre-scheduled & local as available)* *contact is athlete initiated
Before starting any training program or strenuous exercise, you should have a recent physical checkup by your doctor and be cleared to start.
You will receive the best support and hardest working coach for your money. We are not "workout writers"--Gemini is a coaching service. Monthly Rates are NOT discounted to ensure fairness, & quality of service--after all, you don't discount your wages with your employer do you?
If you are local and want UNDERWATER CAMERA SWIM STROKE ANALYSIS using a Hi-Def camera, let us know, we do that too. We'll set up a time, video tape you, analyze & offer stroke correction support as well as DVD of your session . Cost: $75 non-coached athlete, $60 coached athletes.
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Looking for some guidance for that 5K or marathon? Duathlon or Nordic ski race? Often many are looking for a plan to get ready for the Bolder-Boulder here in Boulder, Colorado, or one or more of the 5430 series (now under the Ironman brand of WTC) triathlons. If you want a general semi-custom plan to follow to sharpen and hone your skills, we can provide a pre-built plan in 5 week, 10 week, 15 week or in various increments of your choice at a more than reasonable fee. For more information, contact Coach KK today!